In order to help Traders select potential Accounts to link to we have created 3 short lists of the top 12 performing accounts over the last 8 weeks based on 3 criteria.


Please use this information as a starting point for your own due diligence in deciding which accounts to link to.


These accounts are not suggestions or investment advice - treat the list as information based of performance analysis.


This information is based on the weekly analysis of the Linked Account portfolio. So when look at the current equity balance and compare it with the previous weeks equity or with the equity 8 weeks ago.  This allows us to focus on the most recent 8 week performance (This is a better approach than looking at the performance over the live of the account). Please bear this in mind when using the information. Please use the FXBlue links  for up to date status of accounts. 



To the right is an example of the type of calculations used to determine the changes in wealth (Movements in Equity) that we are reporting on. The difference between the equity balances 8 weeks ago gives the gain or loss over the period and that is compared with the account size required to trade the particular service to give the gain %

Equity is the amount a Trader can withdraw from the trading account immediately and therefore represents "true wealth".


Top 12 Accounts Based on % Gains in Last 8 Weeks Column


Top 12 Accounts Based on % Number of Greens Column

Let us know if we have missed any accounts that you think should be included in the Top 12   Contact Us


Top 12 Accounts Based on Return on Drawdown Column